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Why your hotel needs clear business goals

By definition a goal is an aim or desired result, or also the destination of a journey. However, for businesses it goes far beyond that and goals are a crucial part of any business plan.

When defining your property’s business goals, a few simple questions need to be answered: Where? When? How? Who?

  • Where do you want your business to be? For example, you may want to increase direct bookings by 20%.
  • When do you want to have this objective achieved? Be realistic and give yourself a timeframe for the goal completion, you may work with short, mid and long-term ranges.
  • How are you getting there? Which tool can you use to achieve this goal? Using the same example, you may want to invest in online content creation, search engine optimisation, paid advertising and more.
  • Who are you trying to impact? Define your target segment, perhaps your audience is mainly backpackers, or even flashpackers. This will help you define the tone of voice of your communication.

Answering these questions will assist you moving forward to stay focused. Here is why you need clear businesses goals – now!

Image representing hotel business goals

Begin with the end in mind

The mental process described in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey, suggests that when having the clear image of what you want to achieve in your mind, you’ll be able to put every action and decision into perspective to focus only on the final objective.

This change of focus will provoke a mindset change, which will help you and your team to overcome procrastination, since the focus is now on the means of goal pursuit or on the individual task outcome in relation to the overall goal.

With an end goal in mind, you will be able to put actions and decisions into perspective to focus only on the final objective.

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