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UN Tourism Members Rally to Adopt Agenda for Europe, Pioneering Global Recovery

UN Tourism, Europe,

UN Tourism assembly sees members adopt a groundbreaking Agenda for Europe, aiming to pioneer the path for global tourism’s robust recovery.

In the landmark 70th convention of the European Tourism Commission under the UN Tourism banner, Tirana, Albania, played host to 40 distinguished leaders from the continent. This event was a cornerstone for UN Tourism’s European sector, offering a comprehensive platform for engaging discussions, the exchange of progressive insights, and the fostering of collaborative initiatives. It was a critical juncture for the sharing of knowledge, effective practices, and for addressing the diverse challenges and opportunities within the tourism landscape.

Albania Pioneering the Revival of European Tourism
In a preparatory move for this key gathering, Zurab Pololikashvili, the Secretary-General of UN Tourism, held discussions with Edi Rama, the Prime Minister of Albania, centering on joint objectives and the path forward for partnership. The Secretary-General of UN Tourism applauded Albania for its exemplary leadership in the resurgence of tourism following the pandemic, with the country emerging as one of the standout performers in 2023, demonstrating a 53% boost in international tourist arrivals compared to the figures in 2019.

The dialogue between the Secretary-General of UN Tourism and the Prime Minister also encompassed the vital aspects of sustainable tourism development and the amplification of Albania’s tourism sector. They explored strategic measures to promote eco-friendly tourism practices, capitalize on digital advancements, and drive economic development through tourism education. A significant emphasis was placed on developing a durable, inclusive tourism sector that supports local communities and safeguards cultural heritage.

Structural Blueprint for the European Agenda
The meeting briefed high-level delegates from 40 member countries about the achievements and directional strides of UN Tourism since the previous assembly in Bulgaria, June 2023. The focal points included:

  • The evolving political and situational landscape of Europe
  • The World Tourism Organization’s rebranding efforts under UN Tourism
  • The latest updates on tourism visits and financial gains
  • Forthcoming events and initiatives spearheaded by UN Tourism

A pivotal achievement of this assembly was the formalization of the European Agenda’s legal framework by the UN Tourism members. This included the approval of operational protocols, selection criteria, and essential metrics for assessing projects under the European Agenda, laying the foundation for the 2024 action plan. This Agenda reflects the collective priorities of the UN Tourism members in Europe, aiming to address their unique needs on both regional and sub-regional levels, thereby ensuring Europe’s leadership in tourism innovation and adaptability.

This development is a testament to the collaborative effort initiated during the 66th meeting of the European Commission for UN Tourism in 2021, aimed at enhancing the adaptability of the European tourism ecosystem to new trends and realities in the post-pandemic era.

Forward Momentum
Updates on the preparations for World Tourism Day 2024 by Georgia were presented to the members, alongside the acceptance of Azerbaijan’s invitation to host the UN Tourism commission meeting in 2025.

Focus on Subregions
A focused discussion on Southeast Europe took place on the sidelines of the main event, organized by Albania and UN Tourism, to address the specific challenges faced by the tourism sector in this region. Delegates from several Southeast European countries, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, among others, contributed their insights with a particular emphasis on short-term rentals and regional investment opportunities.

A specialized conference titled “Tourism Investments and Economic Development in Europe” is scheduled for the following day. At this event, UN Tourism will unveil a new investment guide for Albania, aiming to discuss global trends in tourism investment and opportunities. This session, championed by UN Tourism, will explore methods to expedite tourism investments for widespread benefit, sharing success narratives and visions for the future of tourism investments in Albania.

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