
Future Hotel Guests: Tomorrow’s traveller tribes revealed

Global travellers have always been, by nature, a complex and diverse market. Future travellers will only evolve this fact, as technology maintains its accelerated state of development and society becomes more sophisticated and more accepting of alternative lifestyles.

Travel is undertaken for many reasons and is instigated by many sources of inspiration and motivation. The way travel is planned, booked, and experienced can change from individual to individual, but there are still defined groups hotels can focus on to develop strategies and create the personalised service all guests seek in a trip.

Knowing this, Amadeus and Future Foundation put together a looking glass into what the core values of travellers in the future will be.

Forecasting ahead to 2030, they came up with six ‘traveller tribes’ they believe will be prominent for travel companies to market and sell to. So let’s take a look at their predictions…

Tomorrow’s travel experience

In an era where the impact of technology and data has never been larger, it should be easier for travellers to navigate the maze of destination and booking options to make the right travel choices and be more satisfied with their trips. By the same token, there should be more opportunities for travel marketers to apply specific, personal, strategies and make dramatic increases in conversion rates and optimise guest experiences.

In ‘Future Traveller Tribes 2030: Building a more rewarding journey’, the research identified that some travellers will prioritise technology and personalised service, while others could grow to see it as a hindrance to their experience.

The types of services offered to travellers will be impacted by technological advancements in artificial intelligence, robotics, 3D printing and virtual reality. But ultimately, travellers will still have the same human needs as they have always had – it is their purchasing behaviour that will vary.

Services offered to future travellers could include AI, robotics, 3D printing and VR.

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