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ABTA seeks your views for future of travel and tourism courses

Friday, January 12, 2024



In response to the Government’s decision last year to withdraw funding for post-16 travel and tourism courses in England, it became evident that proactive measures were necessary to address this issue. Acknowledging this need for action, ABTA established the Tourism Industry Skills Working Group, bringing together various organizations from the travel sector, along with representatives from education and leaders of travel and tourism courses, as well as awarding organizations.

The primary objective was to explore and develop alternative training options to attract young individuals to the industry and provide them with opportunities to attain qualifications in tourism. After conducting a series of workshops nationwide in the late part of last year, we have now created a survey to gather additional insights from industry experts, including HR professionals and leaders in education and training. This input will guide the design of these courses. We invite you to participate in the survey here and encourage you to share it widely, as all perspectives are valuable and appreciated.

The Tourism Industry Skills Working Group has invested considerable effort in reaching this stage, showcasing effective collaboration on a crucial matter for the future of our industry.

Mark Tanzer, Chief Executive

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