Understanding STAAH GDS Onboarding Process Featured

Understanding STAAH GDS Onboarding Process Featured

STAAH offers a seamless and efficient onboarding process for its Global Distribution System (GDS) integration. This process is designed to help hoteliers expand their market reach, increase bookings, and enhance their overall visibility in the global marketplace.

The following outlines the step-by-step process for onboarding to STAAH Global distribution systems (GDS), ensuring a smooth transition and optimal utilization of this powerful tool.

Step-by-step process for onboarding to STAAH GDS:

Step 1: Initial Consultation and Requirement Gathering

  • An initial conversation with the hotel enables both STAAH GDS and the hotel to understand why the location of the hotel is crucial for generating potential GDS reservations.
  • The discussion also potentially reveals whether the hotel’s competitive set is on the GDS.
  • Explanations are provided to the hotel about the STAAH GDS build process, loading negotiated rates, image loading and hosting, and ongoing support. It is explained that GDS support has a dedicated team and a GDS support email address.
  • Commercials are then offered to the hotel based on several factors.

Step 2: Contract Signing

  • The hotel is sent a GDS Agreement to sign, with an explanation that GDS invoicing from STAAH is separate from any other invoicing for STAAH services.

Step 3: Account Setup

  • Hotel is advised of the STAAH GDS internal setup

Step 4: Data Mapping and Configuration

  • This step is fully completed by the STAAH GDS team. They keep STAAH partner services and SU Support in the loop when mapping and ready to go live.

Step 5: Connectivity Testing

  • This step is also fully completed by the STAAH GDS team.

Step 6: Training and Support

  • Training and support are entirely managed by the STAAH GDS team.

Step 7: Going Live

  • The hotel is notified of the live date by the STAAH GDS team.

GDS Onboarding ProcessThe GDS onboarding process does not end when the property goes live. STAAH GDS remains committed to providing ongoing specialized GDS support and optimization services to ensure the hotel maximizes its benefits from the GDS integration. This includes:

  • At least one audit per year
  • Rate strategy consultations, if required
  • Potential expansion of distribution via Lanyon Publisher and RFPs
  • Updates to the property’s information as needed
  • Loading and hosting images
  • Loading negotiated rates

The STAAH GDS team is always available via a dedicated GDS support email address to assist with any technical or operational issues, ensuring a continuous and successful GDS experience.

GDS Onboarding Process 2STAAH GDS aims to deliver GDS listings that meet industry best practice standards. The STAAH GDS onboarding process is designed to be comprehensive, user-friendly, and supportive, ensuring that hoteliers can seamlessly integrate and leverage the power of global distribution systems.

By following these well-defined steps, hotels can expand their reach, enhance their visibility, and ultimately drive more bookings and revenue. With STAAH’s expertise and ongoing support, the journey to successful GDS integration is smooth and rewarding.

STAAH GDSThoughtful Thursday: Understanding STAAH GDS Onboarding Process was last modified: September 5th, 2024 by Nashi Dasgupta

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